Category Archive: Uncategorized

Apologies for my absence

To my readers and supporters: I have been through certain life changes that kept me from updating. After receiving abundant encouragement to start blogging, I am considering writing again. I slowly restarted my… Continue reading

Castles and countrysides

Having grown up always at the beach, I still respect another type of solitude Mother Earth bestows– that of the countryside. While my boyfriend and I were making a road trip from visiting… Continue reading

Think coffee

“Put your iPhone away and stop checking your emails!” “But I’m catching up on some WordPress blog posts!” Such was an exchange between the bartender from our hotel and I, after he spotted… Continue reading

The printed word is food and you look hungry

“Take off the goddamn earphones!!” During my time in Southern California a few months ago, this is what a biker shouted as he passed me during my morning run.  Apparently I did not… Continue reading

Why has the pleasure of slowness disappeared?

“Where have they gone, those loafing heroes of folk song, those vagabonds who roam from one mill to another and bed down under the stars?” Milan Kundera, Slowness. Finishing this book by Kundera… Continue reading